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International Conference on Applied Mathematical Models (ICAMM 2014) in Coimbatore from January 3-5, 2014

International Conference on Applied Mathematical Models (ICAMM 2014) in Coimbatore from January 3-5, 2014


PSG College of Technology,
Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641004
Tamil Nadu, India

Conference Dates: 3rd-5th January 2014
Last Dates for Full manuscript submission: September 10, 2013
Notification of acceptance: October 20, 2013
Final paper Submission: November 10, 2013
Registration for Authors: November 15, 2013
Registration closes on: December 20, 2013

The Department of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore is proud to organise the International Conference on Applied Mathematical Models (ICAMM 2014). This international conference aims to bring together academicians, researchers and scientists for knowledge sharing in Mathematics and applied areas. The ICAMM 2014 serves as good platform for the scientific community members to meet each other and to exchange ideas.

International Conference on Applied Mathematical Models (ICAMM 2014) in Coimbatore from January 3-5, 2014

The Three Days Event will Comprise,

  1. Plenary Talks
  2. Presentation of refereed papers
  3. The conference also includes an interactive session delivered by eminent speakers on the practical challenges encountered in mathematical research and dynamic trends of research methodology. The conference will also help professionals to manage all aspects of learning and create opportunities for the next generation workforce to develop their professional skills.


Dr. M. Balasubramanian
Organizing Secretary-ICAMM 2014,
Department of Mathematics,
PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore – 641 004.
Phone: (0)94433 04005
Office: 0422 4344429

Registration Link:

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