Utsavam 2024 | Alagappa Institute of Management

We are thrilled to announce “UTSAVAM 2024,” a cultural fest organized by Alagappa Institute of Management on March 15th, Friday, 2024, at the prestigious LCTLPL Auditorium, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

This event serves as a vibrant platform to celebrate the diversity and vibrancy of our cultural heritage, fostering cross-cultural understanding while strengthening the bonds within our college community. We cordially invite you to join us for this memorable occasion. Enclosed, please find the invitation letter and poster for your reference.

We extend a special invitation to management, commerce, and engineering students to partake in this enriching experience.

Registration Fee: Rs. 150/student
Registration Link: [https://forms.gle/xWTpaheoshT6TRGP7] (QR code available in the brochure)

For further information and registration, please reach out to our dedicated event coordinators:
Ms. Kiruthika S: 7395959554
Mr. Krishna Raj S: 6383389123
Email: [email protected]

Your esteemed presence as a Delegate would greatly honor us and contribute to the success of UTSAVAM 2024.

We eagerly anticipate your enthusiastic participation!