International Conference on Smart Systems (ICSS-2013) in Hyderabad from October 7-8, 2013

International Conference on Smart Systems (ICSS-2013) in Hyderabad from October 7-8, 2013


J.B. Institute of Engineering & Technology
Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal
R.R. District, Hyderabad
A.P. , India-500075

Conference Date: October 7-8, 2013

The aim of the conference is to bring together both novice and experienced scientists and developers, to meet new colleagues, collect new ideas and establish new cooperation between research groups and provide a platform for researchers from academic and industry to present their original work and exchange ideas, information, techniques and applications in the field of smart systems. Papers are encouraged on all topics listed in the Topics page, to enable interdisciplinary discussions of new ideas, the latest research, development and applications, and the latest advances in the field of engineering and technology.

International Conference on Smart Systems (ICSS-2013) in Hyderabad from October 7-8, 2013CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN:

Dr.S.Vathsal,B.E (Hons), M.E.,Ph.D.


Dr.V.USHA SHREE, B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D
PROF, HOD-ECE & DEAN (Studentsโ€™ Affairs)
Phone No: +91-9848719713

Kindly send your registration details to

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