Proud and Prejudiced – Standup Comedy in New Delhi
It is a one-hour solo standup comedy show by Garv Malik.
It contains the best of jokes he has written in his 4 years in the world of standup comedy. The jokes are inspired from his life, living in 3 cities, performing in 16 cities, over 300 open mics, shows, opening spots, college & corporate shows, TEDx talks, guest lectures, paid and unpaid spots over live and dead audiences.
He talks about his problems with the world, religion, marriages, dick pics and advertising; sharing his experience in the corporate and startup world. His profile glows with recommendations, be it Linkedin, Standup Comedy or Tinder
The show consists of Garv’s opinions and why he is PROUD of them. But because they are his opinions, he could be PREJUDICED. But the opinions are funny, nonetheless. – Garv’s Tinder Matches. Proceeds from this show will go to support Garv’s drinking habit ( mainly chocolate milk ), which is as good as a social cause can be.
About the artist:
Garv Malik is an aspiring Drug Dealer who wants to do standup comedy till he has enough money for his drug business ( basically forever). He currently sells laughter, one line at a time ( with no reference to cocaine ). He was previously arrested for snorting Glucon D at a Jain Rave Party. He is rumored to have written groundbreaking scripts for PornHub under the pen name Pablo Chocobar. He has left behind his past to pursue a career in comedy.