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Elan 2016 – Techno-Cultural Fest in IIT Hyderabad from January 29-31, 2016

Elan 2016 - Technical Fest in IIT Hyderabad from January 28-31, 2016

ELAN, a mesmerizing unification of Energy, Style and Enthusiasm is all set to hold Hyderabad spellbound once again, with its seventh edition being launched at the start of 2016.

This Annual Inter­College “Techno­Cultural” festival of IIT Hyderabad promises a plethora of events to stupefy and ensorcell both epicurean and boisterous tastes alike. Since its dawn in 2009 by dreadfully talented students, Elan has left a special memory in the hearts of each and every participant, visitor and organizer.

Elan­ 2016 is well stocked with events from the Cultural (Culti), Technical (Techy), Informal (Infi) and Literary (Litr) domains. Competitions such as Elan­-e­-Jung, Vibrazione, Robowars, Walk-­the-Ramp along with Pronights, Elan­2016 pledges to enrapture and enthrall. Each event is finely crafted to reflect the avid ardor in appreciating and experiencing genuine inspiration in art, music and technology that is the culture of Elan.

Elan is an adventure filled with Energy , Tashaan and Enthusiasm.

Its an odyssey worth enduring !!!

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