Roboveda ’14 – National Level Exclusive Robotics Symposium in SNIST, Hyderabad from August 15-17, 2014

Roboveda ’14 – National Level Exclusive Robotics Symposium in SNIST, Hyderabad from August 15-17, 2014

ROBOVEDA’14: These two words put perfectly together bring up a sense of excitement. The Roboveda is a three day national level exclusive robotics symposium conducted from August 15th-17th at Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad. It includes all kinds of technical events which test logic, mettle and bring out the hidden talents in the students. It is back this year with two new events along with many mind boggling events. All the young minds of the country find an excellent platform to showcase their ingenuity.

Here’s the list of the most challenging technical events to put you into fix..!!

Metal Detector: Many people think of combing a beach in search of coins or buried treasure. In this event, you just need to detect the coin in a given path and furnish an indication in the minimum time possible.

Samanvaya: “Co-ordination amidst two robots”. The manually built robot has to reach the autonomous robot and give an indication such that it starts and moves in a pre-defined path in the least possible time.

Ranaveera : the ultimate battle of the two robots , aims one to survive until the opponent falls. Hammer out a deal to win the battle field.

Niyantrana : Future is mobile computing. Pull the wires, get smarter. Use your smart phones, control everything and fair the actions executed by your robot.
jaladhmatra : an exciting water sport event,, where in the robot should be efficient in pushing off an object from it’s departed position, with an impact of water.

Samvedhana : co-ordination and communication can multiply the capabilities and effectiveness of a group of robots. If you are exceptional at signal processing then, here is the finest event that truly tests your skills.

Vidhyuteen : making a robot that doesn’t use electricity is the main motto of this event. Accomplish the task, find the solution for alternate solution to maneuver your robot.

Parishkaar : ignite the spark in your mind and find solutions to the problems challenging the society.

Lakshmanrekha : Follow the line to the finale. This is an event that challenges the line follower meticulously follow the line to accomplish the task.

Vistaar : the robotic arm is one of the key development in industrial robotics. This event tests the competency of your arm.

Drishti : Eyes are window of the soul. Provide vision to your robot and prove your image processing skills.

Gati : “Speed defines everything”. An event that is akin to F1 racing, where dexterity of your robot in speed, controls are scrutinized.

Goalaa : This is an event that interprets the world’s most favourite sport soccer. Make a robot to grab the “golden boot”.

Sarvagami : the most fascinating event that checks the capability of the robot to march on various terrains to make it a thorough all terrain vehicle.

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