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Leadership, Public Speaking Workshop in Hyderabad on April 18, 2014

Success arguably is the most sought after and least understood prize. We’re often so concerned with learning to manage others that we’re left with little energy to manage ourselves. We often fail to notice the unexplored world within ourselves.

As Director, CEOs & Sr. Managers you have all the knowledge to develop your organisation and how to develop the people who are working for the organisation. You understand them very well and justify your plan. You help other people to realise their potential and ask them to apply those principles to progress in their career. When comes to self, most of the time we fail to apply on self.

If we analyse the word MANAGEMENT: Managing (Manage) Men and if we have to manage others, then we have to manage their actions, and we act & communicate on the basis of our thoughts. Thoughts are generated in the mind. Before managing others mind I must be able to manage my thoughts and actions. In this workshop participants will realise how to manage themselves first i.e. MANAGE ME/Self.

If I act then people will follow. Leadership is in action. Leadership needs creativity to lead people. Leadership is the first creation. Management is the second creation. Management is the bottom line focus: how can you accomplish certain things? Leadership focuses on the end result: what are the things needed to be accomplished. We take decision on the basis of our thoughts, values, beliefs, perception and awareness. If we want to be a better leader we need to change our thoughts and beliefs. Again it’s not what we communicate but how we communicate our decisions or ideas makes us a better leader.

Leadership is all about taking responsibility and leading from the front by setting examples and putting into practise rather than giving big lectures. When you take responsibility of your every action, you become creator.
Our beliefs and thoughts can’t be changed through lecturing; it must be an experiential self-realisation program. Therefore our training programs are totally experiential with lots of role plays, games, individual exercises and meditation for self-realization to change our thoughts, beliefs and actions to achieve professional success.

The workshop will be of less lecturing by the trainers. I will be a facilitator to realise your hidden leadership skills and put into practise.

Formal class room method is not suitable for adult learning. You need to involve them. In some workshops most of the participants are above my age. They have been to the University of Life much earlier than me. They got more knowledge than required but confused which one to use and end up wondering, thinking and using none.

You know the rule of the game, i.e. you have got the knowledge how to improve your life, but you are not able to put it into practice properly.

I make participants to speak more than me. I will explain a topic and then ask participants to explain the same relating to their experiences in life. This makes participants to reflect back on themselves.

The role plays are more effective. The participants are involved in the role plays. It helps the participants to visualise their own life and true emotion comes out in the exercise. Then there will be games for certain exercises such as team building.

As I take consent from the participant regarding participation in all the activity; the participants come out voluntarily to participate in all activities. Everyone enjoys the workshop. There is no place for boredom. In short everything can be summed up by an ancient Chinese proverb: “Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand.”

Step 1: Relationship building Exercise: If we have good relationship with every director and know each other, our files will move fast and progress will be faster.

I have conducted workshops with mixed crowds. In some workshops people came from different companies. In some workshops participants came from the same company but from the different departments and in some companies from the same department. Till then there has been very little interaction and that too limited to official work only. My first job is to break the silence.

At the start of the programme I am introduced by someone. Once I take up the stage, first I thank and congratulate everyone for making themselves present in the workshop.

We are all interdependent in this world. I must express my gratitude for making my day. Then I ask them also to be introduced by his/her next seated participant.

The next seated participant can be a colleague or just met a new friend. They need to interact with each other to find out good qualities and share with the group, minimum 3 to 5 qualities. I will be making pairs to avoid confusion. They get 5 minutes to interact.
I request participants to keep aside their professional relationship and get more personal respecting privacy of everyone. Still then also their discussion will be confined to professional life only. To avoid this I place some questions on the screen which participants need to answer.

Creating Positivity in the workshop

The purpose of this exercise is to create positivity in the workshop and break the silence. Once participants start listening to the appreciations about themselves, they start feeling good and a bond is formed. Otherwise most of the participants rarely open up. While introducing the other, I insist on using the name as many times as possible. Since name is the sweetest thing to everyone. (For example: X is good in singing/ X is good in playing football/ X is good in dancing/ X is good in painting/ X is good in listening).
Once the introduction is over, they are asked. “How did you feel when someone was taking interest in you and speaking of your good qualities, or appreciating you?” Most of the answers would be – they felt good.

Then I narrate a story to realise the importance of appreciation.
It feels nice to receive a compliment. High self-esteem people praise others liberally. Praise stimulates the brain and releases neuropeptides (natural opiates) and endorphins (euphoria hormones) in both the giver and the receiver. Therefore offering someone a complement makes you also feel good.

Session 2: Second Exercise (session) is to realise the importance of relationship with self.

Session 3: 3rd Exercise (session) is to know self.

Session 4: Four Exercise (session) is to realise the importance of Responsibility; most of the time we are reacting, rather than responding to the situation.

Session 5:

You can have great ideas, but they are no good to your organization, if you can’t communicate them clearly, confidently and persuasively. The future belongs to the people who are strong on Emotional Intelligence with core values, as we take decision EMOTIONALLY and justify them logically. It’s not what we communicate but how we communicate our decisions or ideas makes us a better leader.

Session 6: To realise everything one needs for a happy life is within oneself.

Stress Management: Strategy to Clean Mind
Mind Cleaning Exercise: Root cause of all problems in this world is mind: Cleaning our body and mind is very important to lead a balanced, happy and successful life. A person’s success is determined by the state of one’s mind. If there is dirt in your room, what you do? You must be cleaning the room and throw away the rubbish. If there is dirt on your body, what you do? You must be going for a shower. But if there is dirt in your mind, how do you clean?

Session 7: Organisation Goal & Vision

Vision is a picture of the future that one wants to create. Vision is the vehicle for bringing purpose into the realm of acts and commitments. People who do remarkable things in their lives have a clear vision stemming from a deep and pervasive sense of purpose.
A progressive organisation plans company goal 10 to 15 years ahead. Directors who manage leading business houses ask themselves “Where do we want our organisation to be 10 years from now?”

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