National Conference on Novel Computing in Tamil Nadu on March 14, 2014

National Conference on Novel Computing in Tamil Nadu on March 14, 2014

Our department conducting National Conference on Novel Computing (NCNC14) on March 14,2014 The National Conference aims at exploring research approaches in novel computing and also to study the recent trends in the field of Computer Science. The objective of the conference is to provide common platform to Academicians, Professionals, Industrialists, Research Scholars, PG & UG students to obtain ideas relevant to the development of research in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. This Conference act as a platform to acquire information required for further research in the domains of Science and Technology.

Topics for research includes:

1. Cloud Computing
2. Pervasive Computing
3. Data Mining
4. Network Security
5. Image Processing
6. Ad-Hoc Network
7. Grid Computing
8. Artificial Intelligence
9. Mobile Computing

Note: Further Topics of relevance can also be added

Registartion Fee:

UG Students: Rs. 400/Participant
PG Students: Rs. 600/Participant
Academicians: Rs. 800/Participant
Research Scholars: Rs. 1000/Participant

Important Dates:

Full Length Paper Submission by E-Mail: Friday, March 7, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: Friday, March 7, 2014
Last Date of Registration for Authors: Monday, March 10, 2014
Conference Date: Friday March 14 ,2014

Contact Details:

Mr. M.Robinson Joel M.Tech.,(Ph.D)
Department of CSE,
S.M.K Fomra Institute of Technology
Contact No: 9381569699

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